North Carolina Babies

PT Question

How do you know when they are really ready for PTing? You do not know how badly I want Keria to be out of diapers when this baby gets here, or even soon after!  I started by asking her if she wanted to sit on the potty before bath time. At first she was all about it and now she says 'no'. I don't push her and just say 'ok' and put her right in the tub.

I have noticed she has been holding her pee a lot lately--we have fewer diapers to change these days for sure. I would prefer to do the 3 day method but I have a feeling she still is not ready for that. I foresee a lot pee on my floor...and nothing changing her mind! I could be wrong though. 

When did you PT or decide it was time? Especially for those around 2 years old!

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