Indiana Babies

20w6d u/s!

My cervix is still long and closed!  No funneling!  4.6 cm (previous msmts were 5 cm and 4.1 cm!).  He said "typical" is 3-4 cm, so my numbers are super awesome.  WOO!!!!!!!!!

I had an awesome u/s tech today who did Andrew's 20 week u/s :-)  She said it's def a boy, and I could tell as well.  No mistaking. 

In other news......he said to go ahead and schedule my c/s.  Yeah.  YIKES.  May 28th is my 37 week date so I'm not sure exactly when the date will be but near then.  Ryan's birthday is May 31st!
My Personal Blog Knot Bio Nest Bio
Andrew Ryan - born at 26w2d, 2 lb 3 oz, Dec 2008 Elliott William - born at 35w4d, 7 lb 1 oz, May 2011
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