Seattle Babies


Hey lady!

I just read your FUF post and here's what I do when I really really want fast food due to time constraints or not wanting to cook.

Go to the store and get:

2 chicken tenders from the deli

A bag of salad mix


red onion*



When you get home, chop up the chicken tenders.  Mix 2 tsp of olive oil with 2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar.   Toss the salad mix (HEE!) with the vinegrette, then top with tenders, diced tomatoes, diced onion, 1 oz of the cheese, cubed and diced cucumber. 

This is about 14-16 points, but it totally takes care of my fast food craving. 

* a lot of times, you can find these already chopped in the produce section.

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