Indiana Babies

Wrong side of the bed

How do you get yourself out of a wrong side of the bed funk?

It's cold out, our street has 4' drifts that have snowed in our neighbors' SUVs so the Prius (our taller car) stands no chance of getting out, and DH just laid there and let Mari babble for an hour and ten minutes this morning so I've been up for way too long. And the power adapter on our Macbook finally died, because DH has insisted for three years that wrapping the cord around the block part wouldn't do anything wrong, and lo and behold it stopped working right at the place where he bent it for years. And the dog smells bad (ok, not really, she just smells like a dog, but it's getting on my last nerve, know what I mean?).

So given that I can't leave the house, how do I get out of this stupid funk?

Mother's Day, 2011
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