
DD sad at preschool bc she doesn't nap there...

She goes to a class that also has "after care" - the morning is super structured and then lunch and nap happens and the afternoon is much more loose/open play. My DD doesn't eat lunch or sleep there. For the past 2 times, she's BAWLING when the other kids are setting up their chincy mats for nap....bawling because she hasn't a bed there.

Is this just something I should ignore, positively reinforce (just talk about how great of a day it was) and talk about how we should remain positive and appreciative of the times we get to spend with friends?

Note: she's incredibally tired when I pick her up - this is only her 3rd week there and first time away from us on a schedule (she's gone to a drop off play place but never for as long as she goes to school and never twice a week on a schedule).

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