North Carolina Babies

Moms of 2 (or more)-WDYT?

My major stress right now of this pregnancy is finding childcare for Jocelyn while I am in the hospital. I am praying I can schedule my c/s for Thurs June 2. My parents are going to be out of the country from May 20-June 15th, and my sister who lives 2 hours a way is a teacher and has standardized that week and is not allowed to take any time off.

I had some issues with child care, but I have someone lined up for the day of the actual c/s. The next day (Friday) DH wants to bring Jocelyn to the hospital first thing in the morning to see the baby and then take her home for a nap and then my sister will come in the late afternoon and he'll come back to the hospital alone (my sister will stay the full weekend to watch Jocelyn). Do you think that is a bad idea for Jocelyn to come to the hospital? Should I have someone lined up for Friday as well? I am not sure what to do but it is stressing me out!

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