Upstate NY Babies

We are having a potty training day..

We had sort of fallen off of our potty training train for awhile.. Eve was showing very little interest in the potty and downright refused it often, so I decided to just give it a rest.. but I feel like we've definitely moved backwards. She always tells us after she poops now but not after she pees.

So since i figured we'd be stuck inside today (with the snowstorm?!?) I figured we'd give today a try just wearing underpants..

So here's how its gone..

I Put her undies on.. she refused to sit on the potty for awhile.. Finally she did.. she didn't go at first.. We tried again about a half hour later.. She went on the potty.

I went to go get her a donut as a reward, and in the time it took me to walk to the kitchen from the living room (not far if you know my house!), i came back and she said "I spilled the potty" but she had actually peed her pants on the floor next to the potty.

So we hung out for a few minutes. maybe 15? and I decided to go upstairs and try to print her a potty training chart. This was totally my own fault for leaving her down here unattended.. but when I up there for like 5 minutes I heard her yell "MORE PEE!" and I ran down and she had peed  all over the floor. As soon as I came down she said "Need another towel"  *sigh*

So now we're on her 3rd pair of undies.. Its about time for another sit on the potty. (trying every 30 minutes).. So.. to be continued.. 

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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