
Introducing myself

DH and I have recently decided we want to begin the adoption process. We are 99% sure we have selected an agency that we feel great about, but are still researching others just to be sure. We have started the application and their next informational meeting is in June which we plan to attend and then will begin the home study process.

I have suffered three miscarriages and we have decided to put a stop to the infertility treatments and testing at this time. Adoption is what we both feel is in our hearts. We may, one day, further pursue infertility testing but we want to adopt first.

I am so excited, nervous, overwhelmed, etc. For the first time in a long time, I feel a sense of hope that we WILL become parents, it's just a matter of when.

I've been lurking on this board since August but definitely more so in the month of January. I have learned a lot already and have studied the FAQ's. Looking forward to becoming more a part of this board!

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