Minneapolis/St Paul Babies

Toddler drop off classes?

I'm looking for a drop off class for DD....she's 2 in May.  I looked into Mpls ECFE, but spring sessions start the week of my EDD and it's a separating class...meaning I would have to attend and bring LO with me while DD played in another room.  Not sure I'm going to be up for that, especially if I end up having a repeat c-section.

I'm not looking for a daycare type commitment, just one day a week where she can go and socialize with kids her age......she loved daycare when I was working, and I've been home with her since Sept., so I'm worried we might be starting the separation/stranger anxiety all over again.  Plus I really want to work on the sharing aspect since soon she's going to have a new baby she'll have to share with!


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