Austin Babies

***rssn re: hypnobabies/vbac***

hey lady- just saw your whine post below.

your ob/gyn has probably already told you this, but i didn't hear about it until fairly late (after 30 weeks). an ob/gyn that i saw (not my main one) strongly suggested that i have the epi placed in case we did need to end up w/ a c/s. without the epi in place, if an (emergency) c/s needed to happen, i would have needed general anesthesia.  w/ jack's birth, from the time we decided to do the c/s until the time i was in surgery was under three minutes- not long enough to get the epi up and rolling.

for Tops, the anesthesologist  was able to put in the line and a small bolus and then i opted to not press the button any more for additional meds.

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