
XP:What do I do for a 3 year olds birthday party...not at a house? Help!

I have had a big birthday bash(about 35-40 people) for my first daughter at my house for her 1st and second birthday party. I just had a big birthday bash for my 2nd daughter who just turned 1 on January 22nd. DD1 bday is March 11th...I do not want to have another big bash at my house. First of all, it is just too much for me so soon after the last one with my second DD. Second, I don't know if it is too soon to ask all my guests again to come back for another party! The dilema is, i just dont know what to do now. There is maybe a total of 4 other kids we would invite. We dont have a lot of family or friends with kids. The ages range from 1-3 as well. So I dont think i really should have it at a Chuckie cheese..or something similar since it really wont pay. Any any any ideas would be greatly appreciated on what I should do for her party!!!!
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