Seattle Babies

time to stop lurking and intro myself...

I've been hanging out, reading and generally lurking - and I keep putting off introducing here goes!

 I'm Laura, I work in Seattle but live in Everett - I'm nearly 18w pregnant with my third child, my first two are 17 (daughter) and 15 (son).  That's years...not months. This is DH's first child, we got married in Aug. '09. 

Not sure what else to add - I race motorcycles (well, taking a year off obviously), do a little running and have raced in triathlons (again - on hold for awhile), work as a CAD drafter in downtown Seattle and my husband owns a vintage car restoration shop in Everett.  We've got 2 boxers - one is 5 and one is 6 months.  I used to be on the Knot when I was planning my wedding but not super active there (I tend to need advice more than have advice...)

anyway...nice to 'meet' you all!


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