2nd Trimester

3D ultrasound thoughts

We have a 3D ultrasound scheduled for Saturday. I'll be 22 weeks 1 day but the baby was measuring 6 days ahead at my ultrasound last week so technically the baby will be 23 weeks. Do you think this is too soon?  I know the place we're going recommends doing it after 25 weeks but before 30 weeks, but we have to drive over 6 hours to get there. It's close to my parents house and DH's parents are coming with us too. We've been planning this for a while and it's the only weekend we could work it out to go where we could all be off and we going on vacation a few weeks after so we couldn't do it after 25 weeks. A friend of ours said they had it done at 5 months and they weren't impressed with the results. So I'm worried now that we're going to spend all that money on it and not enjoy the results. I know it's not going to be a cute chubby baby but it's still my baby. Did any of you have a 3D ultrasound at this point and how did you find it?
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