Babies: 6 - 9 Months

WARNING!!! Another stupid, redundant feeding question... kinda long sorry :(

So I'm going to call the pedi in the morning I think but I just want input from you ladies. What does your LO eat? Like what does the menu consist of? I'm all of a sudden (after a visit from my mother this weekend) nervous that he's not eating enough during the day which is why he started eating twice instead of once at night. I got him down to one feeding and then he popped 2 teeth right around Christmas and has been getting up around 11:30/12 and then again around 4:30/5 both times to nurse. I've tried the paci at the midnight feeding (which is how I got him down to one feeding to begin with) and he'll have none of it so obviously he's hungry (or maybe he's getting more teeth...?)... I'm calling the pedi in the morning to make sure b/c we still have another month before his 9mo appt and I don't want to be the woman in the headlines "WOMAN STARVES BABY BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS HUNGRY". He doesn't seem hungry, he's not fussy, he takes good naps. And actually if he gets much more than what I give him he spits up (which he's always been a spitter). When I feed him until he says stop he spits up everywhere. Ick! So I cut back on the solids a little and figured that if he was hungry then he would just take more BM... I feel like a total spaz Tongue Tied


For solids he eats:

breakfast- 1/4c of cereal and a tub or jar of stage 2 fruit (or 2/3ish tub or jar of stage 3) and some puffs

nurse down for nap

lunch- tub/jar of veggies or something like chicken and stars (all of stage 2 or most of stage 3)

nurse down for nap

dinner- tub/jar of a "meal" like chicken w/veggies or macaroni w/beef and veggies and a mum mum.

nurse down for the night, 2 night feedings.

**sorry it's so long**

Take an e-cookie on me (you know one of those Loft-House ones with all the super sugary icing and sprinkles that you walk past in the front of the grocery store or WalMart and you can feel your thighs expanding as they call to you!!)

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