
xp: pip our recent crafts!

I get so many ideas from other moms (some on here!) that I want to share our crafts in hopes to spread the ideas.

Here are a few recent crafts that we have made and enjoyed.

1st... my new favorite! Simple, construction paper, contact paper, and tissue paper. I love this snowman hanging on my sliding glass door.


Another one with the sample materials as above. We made these for 6 sets of grand and great grandparents. It made their day!


A few Valentine's Day crafts.

 We made heart mice and rabbits. More ideas here:


Simple pattern making with $1 hearts from craft store. DS liked this one b/c it was "patterned, sparkly" and seemed different than patterns with shapes or colors. I start the pattern (3-4 stickers) and let him finish it.


I like this one too, and wish that I had done a better contrasting color for the yarn.  DS really surprised me with this one and needed little to no help! Great fine motor building!


Lastly, this was made with some left over scrapbooking paper, buttons, and letter stickers. When possible I really like to have DS add the letter stickers. He knows all of his letters, but this is a great pre-reader activity. 



We also have made a few Valentines with DS's picture, some glitter paper ($.50 at craft store) and stick on jewels. It's been a fun month! Please feel free to share your crafts or links to blogs below!
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I love these two beautiful children!
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