Upstate NY Babies

It is me again. . .Hi!

It has been a long time since I was on here(probably to announce my pregnancy). Anyway, I need to start posting here more! It would be great to connect with Upstate Mommies.

Let me catch you up(so if you see me, you won't think I'm such a stranger)

 DS was born on October 26th via c-section(after 32 hours of pit induced labor--water broke at home the night before). He has been amazing. We have run into a few bumps along the road with feeding(wouldn't latch for 3 weeks, low supply issues, dairy/soy/nut allergy, and now exclusively ff with Elecare per Pedi GI's order---tried the elimination diet for 5 weeks, and it didn't help).  He is absolutely thriving! I can't believe he has grown as much as he has.

I went back to 2 weeks ago, part time(I'm a teacher, and part time due to budget cuts).  I'm so thankful DH is home with him(he's a golf pro and works from mid-March to mid-November).  I'm blessed with a husband who loves staying home right now with his son!

I'm trying to think of anything else I may add. Well, I do live in Central NY(lived in Massena for a few years when I was a teenager, so I do know what REAL Upstate NY is like) ;)  DH and I are big SU fans, so DS will be as well, I'm sure.

I think this would be a great home-board for me now. I have been on the bump boards(0-3, now 3-6) and I lurk on D&R(used to be my home board, but it has changed quite a bit--I feel like an outsider on there sometimes). 

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