Special Needs

Argh - weather and other things

So we are almost into February - and I think Ben has had one full week of school of preK under his belt so far. Between MLK Jr., ice, and the snow (last week he only went to one day of prek), it's been wreaking havoc with his schedule.

His "trial" date at our selected aftercare (after getting kicked out of his last one for issues at Christmas) was a disaster. The director didn't prepare the teacher, and Ben ran roughshod over them. Even with only other 2 kids in the class, they couldn't deal with it. One of the owners happened to be there that day, and from what the VM said, felt he was a "liability" for his escape antics. We felt misled because the director assured us that they can work w/in his IEP and needs. Oh and the director essentially has avoided us on top of that. Sigh.

We are scrambling to find new arrangements, again. Luckily my mom has been able to fill in last week. This week he starts a trial week at yet another center (which hopefully will work out). Again, they are aware of his IEP and ASDI'm afraid that all this is messing with his ability to cope.

On the positive side we have been able to completely drop the pacifier (it's been a week). And he actually coped with being out in the snow, with mittens on (hated both last year). I guess I'll take what I can get, right?

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