
Sooo fing pissed at DH

So it is 1:30am and i am at my parents' house. Why? Because when I got home from work at midnight he had a friend over watching movies (no problem, they watch movies a lot) but I could smell the liquor on them the minute I walked in the room. Then DH's friend sits up to say hi and starts puking all over my living room floor. Awesome, just what I wanted to deal with after a full day of work.

Now i realize I am a bit of a fuddy duddy. I don't think I have been seriously drunk in years, and I have never thrown up from drinking. But I think it is pathetic that a guy in his 30s can't sit and watch movies without getting so sh*t faced he can't even make it to the bathroom to puke.  am I weird for thinking that?

Anyway, I can't be in the same house as someone who is puking because I am a sympathetic puker and even the smell or sound of it sets me off. So I drove the 30 minutes to sleep at my parents' house. Can't wait to explain this to them in the morning.

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