2nd Trimester

Wondering if I could get some opinions =O

I've been wanting to move out for awhile (before I was pregnant) and even more so now that I'm pregnant. Some of my problems is that We have 5 cats and a dog. I never really had a problem with them up until now since I sneeze more. I noticed it when I slept over my bf's house and I only sneezed a couple of times but when I'm at home I sneeze at least 5 times or more throughout the day. I don't want the baby to be living here when it starts school but I don't know how I'm going to start off planning for this. Another thing, I once wanted to move to North Carolina, but hearing from my godmother about moving to this nice city in Penn. that's 7 hrs away from where I live, she said she'd help my bf and I out while we look for a place and help us get jobs while she helps baby sit the baby. I think it's an awesome idea, except when I told my mom she got up set and was telling me about how Penn has a lot of crime and how far away my godmother lives, Even though I thought about it and she lives 7 hrs away while North Carolina is at least 10 hrs. So far I'm planning on selling Avon for now until I get a job and then I can just do both, twice the income. But I'm not sure if I should either move to Penn or North Carolina.
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