Special Needs

Plagio/Helmet.....need advice

If your DC has been in or is in a helmet/band for moderate Plagio.....please chime in.

We started in a Hanger band on 11/29/10.  We have gone weekly to up to three weeks between appointments.  DS is now to the point where the orthotist tells me that he has one month-ish left in the helmet.  He is to the max without shaving any of the inside out except for pressure point adjustment/initial fit that was done. 

I'm really starting to worry if this guy knows what the hell he is doing.  He is out of town this week so I'm considering going to the other girl on staff  that he mentioned I could see if I needed anything.  I don't think that there has been much if any improvement.  Orthotist measured DS diagonally 4 weeks ago and said he has gone from an 11 to an 8 and then said he had 3-6 more weeks max in the helmet.  We went this past Weekwand now he is telling me 5 more weeks.

 I'm also considering calling the Starband local place tomorrow to see if they can do a free evaluation on him to see if he has actually progressed.  I've already done the free eval at Cranial Tech 2 hours away (before the hanger eval) but they were out of network and the price difference in the band was substantial.  $921 at hanger for my portion versus $2500+ at Cranial.  Plus Cranial is 2 hours away and we are on one income. 

 Just don't know what to do and I'm starting to get freaked out quick.  DS is almost 9 months old.  Not sure if insurance will even approve a 2nd helmet....regardless our in network deduct is $1500K, our out of network is $3000.  Plus a 2nd helmet/band would just drag everything else out.  He is already falling behind physically/developmentally.  He finally rolled over from back to belly this weekend without the helmet on.  He hasn't even attempted with it on. 

Help! What would you do?

Megan--Mommy to Owen 1.10.07 and Gibson 5.11.10
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