Special Needs

Autism/sensory issue questions

My son just had his 18 month appt. on Friday.  The pedi. was concerned about two things:  he doesn't point at things and he doesn't seem that interested in other children.  She suggested going to a dev. pedi to be evaluated for autism.  She said we could either do it now or wait a few months after he's had more therapy.  He's currently getting speech, occupational, and developmental for his food texture issues.

I just have a few questions.

1.  Does anyone's LO have food texture issues, but are not on the spectrum?  It seems like when you google toddler texture issues, you get a lot of autism web sites.

2.  Does anyone see the benefits of waiting a few months for the evaluation?

3.  Any good resources I can read now before his evaluation?

Chris is our first child and now with his therapy and possible autism, we've questioned whether we want another child.  I want to be able to give him what I need. 

4.  If you have one child with autism, do the chances that the second child will go up?

5.  Those of you with more than one child, do you feel like your other children are "cheated" in time?

Thanks ladies!  I've lurked a lot and have learned a lot from all of you and your strength! 

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