2nd Trimester

18 weeks and barely showing

This is my first pregnancy. I am really nervous that I am this far along and barely have a baby bump! I actually thought I was only 11-12 weeks. I went for my ultrasound on Thursday, where to my shock, I found out I was 18 weeks. They said that the baby looks healthy and everything looks normal. But I am kind of freaking myself out about the fact that my belly is currently almost non-existant! My pants are just getting a little tighter.

 I have a doctor's appointment Monday so I will definitely be asking then, but I was wondering if anyone out there can relate. I wasn't freaking out about this when I thought I was only 11-12 weeks. It's especially making me nervous because I have a friend who is 5 days behind me and her belly is getting big! I did find out I am having a girl, so I dont know if that makes a difference or not. I also do have a pretty thin frame and I think I've been eating pretty normally.

 Thanks in advance for any input!

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