3rd Trimester

Pump Question (repost from Breastfeeding board)

So I plan on breastfeeding my LO, however, I work full time so will be doing ALOT  of pumping.  I don't have a pump of my own, as I wanted to wait to make sure that I had a good mild supply, like BF etc. before I invested in my own pump.  My friend has a Medela Pump-In-Style (older version probably x 3-4 years, not advanced)  that she is going to let me borrow.  I have two questions:

1.  what replacement parts should I invest in?  (tubing, shield etc)

2.  what bottles do you use for you little one?  Do you like the Medela or should I try something different?  Tommee Tippee, Avent, Dr. Browns? 


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