2nd Trimester

What is wrong with me

So...today I am just not in the mood to do anything. I am not even in the mood to eat food or even get on my computer. My DH is at work so he's not here to try to get me out of this funk like he usually can do. We are suppose to go to my IL's tonight and stay till tomorrow night but right now I am just not in mood. The reason why is because one of my friends that I haven't seen since a year and a half is in town and giving a talk at my IL's church. I am not even in the mood to see her.

Apart of me is nervous for the fact that our car's fan to keep the engine cool is not working also it's sixty one degrees outside. I guess a part of me is scared that we will overheat the car and then we won't have a working one at all. I am known to be a worry wart now that I am pregnant. I litterally freak out when it's snowing outside now because for fear my DH will get in a car accident.

I am just not in the mood to do anything other then stay home and cuddle with my DH.

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