Attachment Parenting

I let them cry last night

DH was working (bartending) and I was home alone. Night wakings have gone from 3 or 4 a night to close to 3 or 4 an hour. I just couldn't do it by myself. After 4 hours I was so frustrated and found myself getting irrationally angry at them. I had to leave the room. I laid in bed and cried. I put the pillow over my head and kept saying to myself 'they are safe, you need a break'. 

Eli cried for 10 mins and went to sleep. Hazel cried for 20 mins and went to sleep. They didn't wake up again last night. They seemed fine this morning.

I feel awful. I feel like I failed them. But, I know that it is what I needed to do in that moment. They will forgive me, right? :(

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