Babies: 0 - 3 Months

LOVE the woombie!

DS has hated being swaddled since the day he came home.  Because of this, we couldn't get him to sleep on his back and were letting him sleep on his tummy.  It was stressing DH and me out, so I started looking for other solutions.  I found the woombie, and it seemed like DS might like it since it kept him cozy and snuggled, but still gave him some room to move around.  Last night was his first night in it and he loved it!  Didn't fight it for a single second, and we got our longest stretches yet!  He slept from 9:00-7:30 and only woke up once to eat at 2:45.  And all that sleeping was on his back, so DH and I didn't feel the need to check on him constantly.  Yay!
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