North Carolina Babies

Had an awesome day at work

There is this girl at work that a few of us loathe.  I'll call her J.

After our marketing person left, they moved J to sit directly behind me.  I was PISSED.  All she does is talk on the phone all day and play on the internet.  She doesn't get anything done.  And her job is pretty important.  My coworker and I would see her playing Freecell on her computer multiple times a day.  And I know WAY too much about her personal life from her daily phone calls.  She's 33 and on divorce #2 and already has a boyfriend (I suspect from the timing of it all she was cheating on husband #2 and from what people have told me she broke up marriage #1 by cheating with the guy who became husband #2).  I would hear her talking with the BF and fighting with the soon-to-be ex all the time.  

She would take 20-30 minute breaks when they were supposed to be 10 minutes.  She always came back late from lunch and was late to work everyday.  She called out sick all the time, and one time was found out to be at the beach on a "sick" day.

Not long after she got moved behind me she started telling my boss that I checked my personal email and got me in trouble.  The thing is, no one ever told me we couldn't check our email.  My boss checks hers and used to even ask me to email my DH for random questions about IT stuff.  She even had me help her set her computer up so that she would get pop ups when she had mail in her gmail account.  I would hear J and my boss on the phone with each other (in the same office, mind you) talking about how I was checking my email.  (I finally learned to just check it when J was out for one of her various smoking breaks)

She also put on super strong smelling hand lotion multiple times per day.  She was really close to me and it would drive my allergies crazy.  My coworker asked her to stop once and she refused.  She was really nasty about it.

She also wears jeans to work when she feels like it even though it's against the dress code.  My coworker asked her about it recently and she said "It's casual day for me, and that's my story and I'm sticking to it." 

My coworker and I HATED her.  My coworker is very religious and she told me she was always praying that she would get fired.  It was that bad.

J has been there 7 years and since she always got away with this stuff I just never thought I'd see the day.  BUT.......yesterday SHE WAS FIRED!!!!!  I couldn't believe it.  I still can't believe it.  I guess sometimes karma is slow, but it comes.

I found out from a nurse that it's possible she was fired because she didn't call a patient in for a recheck a few years ago and now the patient has full blown cancer and may not survive.  If it had been caught when she was supposed to have called, the person probably would've lived.  And now that person is threatening to sue.  So this is most likely the reason.  Perhaps if she hadn't been playing cards and yapping on the phone this wouldn't have happened.

Anyway, I just had to share because I'm still so happy!!!!  Big Smile

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