Success after IF

Karma's a biatch. I think Sam might have peanut sensitivity.

Eff me.

We started on PB when he was 11 months old and he loved it. He has PB sammy at school about once a week and frequently had PB on graham crackers after dinner.

Cut to two weeks ago.  The day of his last well baby appt, he got back to day care and had a PB sandwich.  His teacher called me to say Sam had broken into a rash - she was concerned it was his vaccines.  It was just contact sensitivity - redness on his face and neck, and went away in 20 minutes.  He seemed totally unbothered by it.

Later that week - same thing, also after PB.

Earlier this week, he had PB at school with no problems - either that or no one noticed the rash..

Then, this a.m. he had some PB on toast and broke out into a rash again.  His eyes got itchy which of course caused him to rub his eyes and spread it more. 

Finally, this afternoon I told his day care teacher to watch for a reaction if he had PB.  She gave him some crackers and PB... and same thing.  Obviously that's the end of PB for a while.

So - what to do now?  I don't want to panic and just assume he'll die eating peanuts since new thinking on PB suggests that exposure can actually tolerize a person to an allergen.  But I also know that allergies can get worse and I don't want to mess with it. 

UGH. Ugh ugh ugh. 

I'm calling the pedi on Monday :(

And I guess I should stock up on almond butter from now on.


I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
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