Babies: 0 - 3 Months

going back to work(not really baby related)vent

So, my first day back to work is Sunday. I'm not really looking forward to it, but i think it'll be good for me to break away from the baby and have time to myself and make some money. Anyway, i got a call from one of my co-workers telling me that people are talking crap about me coming back. Apparently, I'm taking peoples shifts, which before i left they were complaining about having in the first place and they knew i was coming back so whatever their schedules were, were going to be temporary, they all knew this. When i went in on Wednesday to give them my release to work one of the girls asked who was going to watch the baby while i was working, i said i wasn't sure yet, but we have options. Come to find out this girl told my boss that he should have a back up on the days i work because i don't know who's going to watch my kid and i need to learn a thing or two about being a mom!! GRR! Its not like i don't have any idea on what I'm going to be doing with my son, I'm only going to need to find someone to babysit for 1 day, baby daddy said he could skip school for the day, but I'm not going to have him do that if my mom has the day off work, or my grandma can watch him, like i said i have options. For her to say that i need to learn about being a mom gets to me soo bad! I don't know how I'm going to be able to be a nice human being to this chick.Just let me go to work and make my money and go home and be a great mom to my son, and don't let my name come out of your mouth regarding anything having to do with my child! UGH!
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