Babies: 0 - 3 Months

When are you/did you get new clothes?

So, within about a week or so, I really shrunk. I'm generally happy with it-I feel like I look close to the same as I did pre-pregnancy. But, as many people warned, even though I look about the same, it's not like it was. I now have hips that weren't there before. None of my pre-pregnancy pants fit because I am just not that size anymore. I know it's early, but I am a bit frustrated. I don't want to wear sweatpants everyday, but I don't have many maternity pants left-and they are worn out and/or too big (right now I wearing them with a bella band.)

So how long do I wait before getting new jeans the next size up?  Should I hold out in case I get a little smaller?  I'm thinking with how the weight has been redistributed to my hips that its a safe bet I won't be my pre pg size again.

I'm tempted to go to Kohls this weekend. It would be nice to have pants that zip AND fit!  So what did you (or what do you plan to) do?


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