Special Needs

Preschool Question

Hey all!

So dd is on her 3y/o preschool class. This is the preschool program where she receives service under her IEP. She is in the am class...next year I anticipate she will go in the afternoon class. Each the am and pm class is like 2.5 hours with roundtrip transport...so about 3 hours door to door ( a little less).

I think she could use more time but don't think I can get in her IEP. Heard the county has all day preschool but really need tolook more into it...

Has anyone done a community preschool part day program in addition to the inclusion preschool. I would like to get her more but dont even know where to start...

So thoughts, recs, opnions from the wise bumpies would be greatly appreciated...

Also it's been a long week, snow meaning no school and problems with our ISP....looking forward to reading others posts.



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