Special Needs

I'm eeking out the last bit of energy I have and a therapy question (counseling)

while I wait for DH to come home.

I put LO in the swing, I just cannot take it anymore today.

The physiatrist increased LO's baclofen dosage and of course we were out of state at a funeral and I completely forgot it would run out twice as fast.

Last night while I was grocery shopping DH calls to tell me we're out of Baclofen.

It was a long night.  He was up every 1.5 hrs and today he has just been so fussy.  Literally will be happy in my lap and then screaming in my ear.  On top of the disaster that our house is right now (Picture 30 relatives who have never met LO and all their belated christmas gifts, on top of all our stuff throwing up in our living room and kitchen).  I got the the pharmacy and they said it may be ready today (they have to compound it) but they close in 30 minutes and I'm highly doubting it especially since it's a 20 minute drive.

So adding to my exhaustion and frustration is knowing that tonight is going to be just as long as last night. 

DH and I have our first counseling session tomorrow?  Has anyone else been?  Our marriage is "suffering" however it's nothing we won't get through we have our ups and downs like everyone else.  However we're both handling LO completely different (he's depressed I have anxiety) and we need help getting to the same page.  I'm really nervous/anxious (like usual) about telling someone our story and getting an outsider's view.  I'm also very scared that they're going to mock our faith (DH and I are very conservative Christians, our faith is the basis of our lives).  I have such a "tv view" of therapy.


I realize what life is all about
It's hangin' on when your heart has had enough
It's giving more when you feel like giving up
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