South Florida Babies

Sorry for the delay ladies...babies have been born :)

Just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone. I've obviously been tied up with the babies but we are all doing really well.

Heres our brief story...

On Wed 1/19/11 at 3am I woke up with major pain down below in my belly and I got up to use the restroom. Then noticed that my water had broken and I couldn't control it. DH and I quickly showered and headed straight to the hospital. I was monitored in triage and my c-section was scheduled to take place at 9am. I couldn't believe our time was finally here. I had made it to 37 weeks and 2 days of pregnancy. Big Smile

The c-section was definitely a lot more intense than what I had expected. "You'll feel a bit of pressure now", was clearly an understatement. I felt as if I had a 200 lb person jumping on my body. lol Though it all happend so quickly it was hard to take it all in. Maybe I was just a big ball of emotions but we instantly heard our babies cries nearly back to back. Tears overwhelmed DH and my face. Elijah Owen was born 1st, weighing 5 lbs 13 oz / measuring 19" inches long. Jaella Mia weighed in at 6 lbs 4 oz / measuring 17 1/2" inches long. Both were born at 9:15am, only 34 seconds apart.

We were truly blessed to find out that the babies required no NICU time and were doing amazingly well. They stayed in the room with us until our release date. I think the moment I was getting wheeled off, it all hit me at once. I was actually going home with our 2 babies and they were ours forever. I cried and cried like a little baby. While everyone in the hospital was in awww and saying congratulations, they were wondering why I was so sad and crying. Obviously they were tears of joy (even if they didn't appear that way to others). DH and I drove home feeling so emotional and like we were on cloud 9. I'm proud to say that they have totally filled our hearts with love that we never could believe possible. We are truly blessed and thankful each day that they are here with us and now a proud family of 4.


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