
In a licensing "loophole" and loving it :)

In our state, boys and girls that are not bio related (or adopted) can not share a room after the age of 5.

All three of the little ones share a room (Lil J and the 2 girls).  We knew this would be an issue after he turned 5, which is in 2 weeks.

We are up for our license renewal on Feb 23.  Which, is obviously after he turns 5.  We are still not 100% sure how we are going to rearrange the rooms.

BUT!  They called to schedule our appointment, and it is for tuesday!  That is Feb 1st, BEFORE he turns 5.  And, my family worker told me she is 99.9999% sure they will not come back after he turns 5 to make sure they are split apart.

So, on the 1st, it will not be considered a violation or even a "needs modification".  YIPEE

i also think it might be written as "older than 5" which could mean after the 6th birthday

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