Indiana Babies

good news!

I called the doctor and Andrew's blood work is in.

His IgG measured 461 this time (still below normal, but not as low, it was 380). He'd also checked his diptheria/tetnus antibodies to see if his immune system responded to the vaccines - of course this made me a little nervous, but the results were good - so his body did respond to the vaccines he's gotten.

The nurse wasn't allowed to explain why his IgG was 380 a month ago and 461 now (533-1078 is normal), but we have a follow up appt at the end of Feb so we'll find out more then and if there is any course of action beyond blood tests to follow him every few months.

I know Dr B said IgG above 400 "generally avoids anything serious" (whatever that means), so I think this is good.


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Andrew Ryan - born at 26w2d, 2 lb 3 oz, Dec 2008 Elliott William - born at 35w4d, 7 lb 1 oz, May 2011
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