
Montessori School - preschool ?'s

We're in the fun period of trying to figure out what we want to do for DS and preschool.  We're interested in learning more about Montessori and have a lot of research to still do but thought I'd stop by here and get opinions and experiences. 

I was curious what the big differences are at the Preschool age between Montessori and regular preschool.  Also, for those of you considering/going to a Montessori preschool, how far are you thinking of taking it?  Preschool only?  Elementary?  As far as you can?  Anyone know a child who has been through grade school or farther and had to make the transition to higher learning in a public school or university?  That's one of our concerns (although obviously we have a bit before we'd be deciding anything about elementary or middle school, so I'm probably jumping the gun there).

Like I said, we still have a lot of research to do (I'm actually looking at one of the Michael Olaf site at the moment), but I thought this might be a good place to jump in and get thinking about it more.  Thanks! :)

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