Seattle Babies

Who has switched their toddler's daycare?

We're leaning pretty heavily toward switching DD's daycare.  She is almost three.

We got a placement in the center that we're interested in and could potentially start in two weeks.  I am very nervous about this transition because of the timing of the new baby (I'm due in 3 weeks).  It's a lot of change for her to deal with at once and I'm not quite sure how to best manage it.  The center is also willing to delay her start until after the baby is born.  

 If you've happened to do both transitions at the same time I'd love to hear your thoughts/experience. 

If you've transitioned your toddler to a new daycare, what types of challenges (if any) did you see your child going through?

 fwiw, DD is pretty easy going.  She tends to want a strong bond with her teacher, gravitates toward older children and makes friendships with her peers slowly.



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