Special Needs

I think we need a second opinion (re PT for A)

I think I posted quite a while ago that we were concerned about the way A is walking.  he comes down on the side of his left foot instead of the bottom and trips over his left foot a lot.  He also tends to curl his left foot in when he is laying on his back. 

I brought my concerns up to his PT and she swore up and down that he is bow-legged (he doesn't look bow-legged to me),and there is nothing we can do right now and it should correct itself.  She then proceeded to dismiss my questions and ask about discharging him from the program.  I am supposed to make an appointment with her in February but I have a feeling she still isn't going to do anything.  I honestly feel like I'm wasting my time here.   

Our EI program only has the one PT right now, so we would have to go to a private PT for an eval.  I'm pretty sure we will do that but I am rather irritated that we have to go outside of EI to get someone to listen to us.  I hope the eval says "yeah, this is something he will grow out of", but at the same time I would like to know if there is something we can work on to correct it now. 

This turned into more of a random rant than anything else.  If you got through it all, you're awesome!  Any thoughts would just be a bonus.

*Edited because I can't type today*

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