Austin Babies

Last question: How can we get DD to eat at daycare?

DD started daycare last week and so far, she hasn't eaten any of their lunches. She loves the snacks though! We give her mostly table food at home, with maybe one spoon-fed food per meal (usually yogurt, applesauce or cereal). She does great at home (with the exception of slippery fruits) so I have no idea why she won't eat their lunches. They usually end up giving her yogurt, applesause and Cheerios.

She also won't really drink milk from a sippy cup. We've been offering it to her in a sippy at home for a while now, and she usually takes a few sips and is done with it. I know she needs to stay hydrated, so I almost always give in and put some milk in a bottle and she sucks it right down. Should we stop offering her bottles even if it means she's probably not getting enough liquids (hopefully just temporarily)?

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