Pregnant after IF

2 Questions

How long were you kept at your RE before released to OBGYN and also how many ultrasounds a week did they do after your first one?

Trying to find a "norm", thank you!
TTC Since 6/12 regular periods with annovulation DH S/A healthy Hormones normal-all unexplained IF currently 10/12 50mg of clomid-no response-BFN 11/12 100mg of clomid-1 mature follicle-IUI #1=BFN 12/8/12 clear HSG 12/12 100mg of clomid-2 mature follicles-IUI #2=BFN 1/13 5mg femara un-monitored TI, BFN 2/13 7.5mg femara 2 mature follicles, IUI#3 BFN
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