Pregnant after IF

Liam Michael's Birth Story (long and PIP)

Short version:

Liam Michael was born at 1:28 pm on Sunday, May 5th weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces and 20 ? inches long.  We headed home on Tuesday, May 7th and are so very much in love.  There have been some issues with breastfeeding due to low milk supply, so we are supplementing and working to increase my supply with pumping and medication.  

Long version:

At my last doctor?s appointment, on April 29th, I was 1-1.5 cm and the baby was head down and low.  Around 2 am on Sunday, May 5th, I woke up to go pee.  When I got out of bed, I felt a little trickle of fluid, but just assumed it was discharge.  When I got to the bathroom, the liner I was wearing was wet and the liquid was tinged with blood.  I thought it could be AF, but I wasn?t have any contractions and there was no big gush or anything so I went back to bed.  I slept on and off until around 5:30ish when I got up with the dog.  By that point, there were continued trickles of fluid every time I got up from sitting or standing.  I thought I was having minor contractions but they were inconsistent in both duration and frequency and weren?t really that painful.  H and I had plans that morning to visit his nephew so we headed out around 7:20.  By that point, I knew I was definitely having contractions (feeling them in my back) but again, nothing incredibly painful.  We visited with his nephew until around 9:15 and I was having contractions and some fluid leaking throughout the visit.  I promised H I would call the doctor after the visit but only if we went to Target to pick up a few things first!  Walking around Target the contractions were slightly more painful and coming more frequently.  The doctor called me back and said to head to the hospital because I had probably broken my water and that is what the fluid was.  I was so determined not to go to the hospital until we absolutely had to because I had this fear we would get sent home.  So, we left Target, went home, had some lunch, and finished packing a few things.

We arrived at the hospital around 11:15ish and they hooked me up to the monitors.  The baby looked good and I was definitely having contractions at that point.  My BP was a little high (unusual for me and this pregnancy) so they ordered some blood work.  Getting a vein was a nightmare and I am covered in bruises from blown veins.  When the ER doctor came to check me, she said she was pretty sure my water bag had broken and no sooner did the words come out of her mouth, then there was a big gush of water and fluid came pouring out of me all over the floor.  She did an internal and said I was already 5-6 cm!  She said to start making phone calls because we were having a baby today.  Because of the elevated BP, they had to do a straight catheter to check for protein.  That was pretty uncomfortable and not so fun during the contractions, but the urine came back clean.  Both H and I started texting and calling family and friends to let them know what was going on.

By 12:30ish, we were wheeled upstairs to L&D where we got set up in a room.  I was having regular contractions at this point and H just kept reminding me to breathe through them.  My doctor came in and said he would check me again in a little bit but that everything looked good so far.  The anesthesiologist came in to discuss an epidural but I told him my goal was to do this without one.  The nurse told me to let her know if and when I started to feel any pressure.  By around 1:00, I started feeling immense pressure and told H to get a nurse.  She quickly got the doctor who checked me and said I was 10 cm and he could see the baby?s head!  They barely had time to get gowned up and remove the bottom of the table before I started to push.  I started pushing about 1:10 and had maybe 7-8 good pushes before Liam arrived.  H cut the cord and we did skin to skin immediately.  I had a 2nd degree tear and had to get a few stitches, but I felt and continue to feel great all things considered.  Liam breastfed in the L&D room and we were moved down to our room around 3:15 pm.   We even got a visit from our RE on Tuesday before we went home.

Since being home, we have had some big time struggles with feeding because I am not producing enough milk.  We met with the LC on Friday and are now supplementing at the breast with a syringe of formula.  I am also pumping after each feeding to hopefully increase my supply.  I started Reglan yesterday and am hoping that helps us in addition to the Fenugreek pills I have been taking.  Other than that, Liam is perfect and healthy and looks just like his daddy.

Every single pill, shot, tear, and disappointment was worth it to be able to look at his precious face and know that he is mine.  I am so thankful for all of your support during this pregnancy.  Continued good wishes to all the mamas and soon-to-be-mamas!

And for your viewing pleasure...



Married July 2011; TTC since April 2011
HSG and CD3 B/W - normal; SIS - one fibroid not impacting uterus; Several SA - low numbers across the board
Moving right to IVF with ICSI
ER: 8/17/12; 13R, 11M, 9F
ET: 8/20/12; 2 "beautiful" embies transferred and 1 frobaby on ice
Beta #1: 8/31/12 - BFP at 89!
Beta #2: 9/3/12 - 315
Beta #3: 9/10/12 - 6,109
1st U/S: 9/24/12 - One little bean with a strong heartbeat!
It's a boy!
PAIF/SAIF welcome!
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