Pregnant after IF

Talk to me about BV and pregnancy...

I have always had normal paps my whole life, then randomly 2 years ago, I have BV (bacterial vaginosis). I have been treated with antibiotics several times, and it's this recurring annoyance that honestly never bugs me with symptoms, it just never goes away. 

Now that I'm pregnant, I wonder how much it will affect me. Has anyone dealt with/dealing with this during their pregnancy? My OB didn't seem too worried, put me on antibiotics and didn't really go into it further. The very little information I get from Dr Google says it can cause preterm labor.

Thanks a ton ladies, have a great day!

Me-28, DH-22

TTC since July 2011

ovulation confirmed in blood test

progesterone blood test normal as well as thyroid

saline sonohysterogram all clear

DH SA shows excellent swimmers

Sept 2012,1st round of Clomid 12, 15, 18mm follies:BFN

Oct 2012, 2nd round of Clomid, one 19mm egg upping dosage 100mg clomid for November in hopes of doing IUI-BFN

November 18th 2012, IUI #1-BFN prescribed progesterone supplements for next cycle, monitoring appt Dec 12th.

December 14th- Missed ovulation, doing TI instead of IUI.-BFN

January 11th IUI #2-BFN

IUI #3-Feb 13th=BFP

beta#1 2/25 12dpiui 61

beta#2 2/27 14dpiui 141 progesterone 21.2
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