Pregnant after IF

Talk through this with me, please?

This is long, sorry! 

Quick summary:  At 28 wks I was DX'd with previa and baby was suspected IUGR.  At that time we began doing twice weekly BPP ultrasounds with the plan to re-check baby and placenta via a big growth u/s with the high risk u/s people at 31 weeks.

Baby scored 8/8 on all BPPs during those 3 weeks.  Growth u/s showed no more previa ::insert happy dance::, that baby gained roughly 1 lb. in 3 weeks and grew at a steady rate, but was still under the 5th%tile in all but 1 category.

We met with my OB last week.  I was cleared to go for a vaginal delivery and she wanted to continue to keep a close eye on baby so we would continue with the twice weekly BPPs and re-do another growth u/s at 34 weeks but that she was very happy that baby gained so much and "grew at a good consistant rate."

But, she's still seems insistant that we take the baby early--like 37/38 weeks.  And I'm struggling with that.  If something were to change and baby isn't growing/starts failing the BPPs I'll get myself to L&D faster than you can say BOO and get this baby out however.  BUT, I'm having a hard time being OK with taking a baby early that is growing (at a good consistant rate) but is just smaller. 

I'm going to hold off on pushing the topic/issue until after our 34 week growth us, but I'm trying to come up with the most diplomatic way to broach the subject.  Suggestions?

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