Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Need advice on setting earlier bedtime

My LO is a late to bed late to rise kind of guy.  No matter what I've do he wont go to sleep and stay asleep before AT LEAST 11pm.  Sometimes he waits as late as 12am or even 1am!  I'm trying to help him get into an earlier bedtime routine but nothing is working!

Every night around 8pm I swaddle him, nurse him, burp him, put him in the rock and play in a dark room with a white noise machine, pop a pacifier in his mouth, and rock him until he falls asleep (this takes 30-45 minutes if it works at all).  If he actually falls asleep he wakes up after 10-15 minutes and then we can't get him back down until after 11pm.  Once he finally goes back to sleep he does sleep for 4-6 hours before waking up again.  I know I should be happy about the large chunk of sleep but trying to get him to go to bed around 8pm is completely consuming our evenings!

Does anyone have any other suggestions/advice?  Should I just give up and let him hang out with me and my DH in the evenings?  Please help!

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