Pregnant after IF

Lurker from TTCAL: 7 DPO Progesterone levels

Hello ladies,

I was hoping some of you wouldn't mind helping answer a question I have about 7 DPO progesterone levels.  I MC'd at 7w5d, 5 weeks ago and was cleared by my OB to start trying again right away.  I haven't gotten AF yet but we did catch my O on CD 30/31 (FF says 30 but I had major O pain on day 31, so I'm not sure and we got dotted CHs).  I was still getting my HCG levels tested, so today they did baseline labs and my HCG is .17 and my progesterone was 4.3.  I am concerned that even if this cycle did result in a BFP a progesterone level that low would not be able to sustain a pregnancy and now that I have PgAL brain I am just nervous.  Prior to my BFP, the cycle before had an LP of 9 days (first cycle after IUD removal), then the cycle we conceived was a medicated cycle but the progesterone was never above 11 and when I asked my RE about suppositories he basically shut me down saying "they vary throughout the day".  Now that we've lost one pregnancy I am even more concerned. Any experience you have with this would be so helpful. Hope all of you are doing well. I've lurked since the MC and wish all of you a H&H 9 months!

My Ovulation Chart
Me 30 H 32 * Married November 2012 * TTC since September 2012
Hx of Right Sided Heart Failure, Pulmonary Embolisms and Nephrotic Syndrome
Dx with Lupus May 2005 * Dx with PCOS Dec 2012
Referred to RE Dec 2012 * SA: Perfect! * CD3 BW: Normal * SIS: Good
Starting Feb 2013: Clomid 100mg + Ovidrel trigger = BFP!!!
EDD: 11/9/13
3/2/13 Beta # 1: 15 *Come on baby... Let's multiply!*
3/5/13 Beta # 2: 72
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