Pregnant after IF

intro long

Hi everyone. My name is Nova. I used to be very active ttgp back in 08 and 09 but stopped posting because it just got to hard. I was dx w DOR and at the time was oop. After paying for an IUI's and all the tests that lead up to dx we had gone through our savings about $15000. After grieving the fact that we wouldnt have a biological child we decided to foster to adopt. We were licensed in Oct '11. We never had a placment. 

My dh was offered a job in MA that he couldnt pass up and it came with amazing health insurance.  With the move out of NH we had to end our foster to adopt license. December we had our 2nd of 4 IUI's all Bfns

. Then last month in April we had our first IVF. We had ER on 4/17. We had 9r, 6m, and 4f! On 4/20 we transfered 2 beautiful embryos a 6 cell and a 7 cell,  for a day3t. We froze 2 7 cells. T his last wed we found out it worked!!!! 1st beta 285! And then this morning our 2nd beta came back at 756.1!!!!

I am feeling so many emotions right now. Im shocked, happy and most of all scared to death. I remember when my h and I first started this journey 5 yrs ago, I used to dream of writing this post. I never thought I'd get to. Anyways I hope to get to stay. 

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