Pregnant after IF

Hemorrhage from Placenta Previa...LONG

I have finally felt somewhat secure in writing about my recent experience (almost two weeks ago) with a hemorrhage.  I mostly want to write so that others looking for information on this issue can perhaps find my story and learn from it.  

Nearly two weeks ago I was sitting in my bed when i felt some discharge... I looked down to find i was sitting in blood.  Terrified I went to grab my phone across the room to call my husband who wasn't home at the time.  Before I could even dial the number I was hemorrhaging blood.  I had to call an ambulance b/c I was losing so much blood so fast.  At that moment in life I have never been more terrified.  Scared I was losing my baby I fought so hard to have, and scared for my own life.  I didn't know what was going on.  Why was I losing so much blood?  The bleeding was painless, but the amount of blood was terrifying.  I was admitted to the ER immediately since I was in need a blood transfusion.  After the doctor confirmed that my cervix was closed and the baby was still alive, we waited to see if the bleeding would subside so I could be transported to another hospital.  

I eventually stabilized and was told I was going to lose my baby b/c I had lost fluid and placenta with the hemorrhage.  However, my OB saw me the next day and informed me that I still had plenty of fluid and the placenta appeared to still be intact. At that point I was told I would have to wait for a maternal fetal medicine doctor to come see me in the hospital to see if they could diagnose what had happened. After I saw the MFM I was diagonosed with a complete placenta previa at 13w3d.  Very Very early for this condition. My OB had never seen a hemmorhage this early in pregnancy from the condition.  Now I'm on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy.  We hope the condition resolves itself at some point but won't know anything till after 20-24 weeks.  I'm now 15 weeks so I just have to sit and worry about whether or not I will bleed again.  

I'm blessed in that I have a loving husband that remained strong during the ordeal, and incredibly blessed that God provided for our baby during a time of crisis.  We found out at 13w3d that we have a little boy!  He is the reason I sit in bed day after day.  I truly can't wait to hold him.  

I don't know if anyone else has ever heard of this condition or experienced it, but its serious and endangers the mothers life more so than the baby.  It's nothing to take lightly.  I hope that if someone is looking for a success story that I can be that story.  Baby and I both survived one major hemorrhage and we I hope that was the last.  Loved to hear if you are someone you know has had a similar experience.  I really wasn't able to find much online.  Happy Friday to all!!! 

All Welcome

Me: 29 DH: 30

IF DX severe endo SA: PERFECT!

7/16/2011 Married handsome hubby!
9/2012 Lap/Hystercopy DX w/ Stage III endo
Bilaterial Uterine Suspension/D&C/HSG
HCG/D&D on R/L ovaries/chromaltubation/Uterine Polyp
10/2012 RE consult. DX move straight to IVF
IVF #1 11/27/2012
IVF #1 Cancelled for Low Response and Converted to IUI #1 --- BFN

IVF #1.2 BCP 12/29 Stims 1/21 w/ New Protocol - Antongonist (225 Menopur, 150 Follistim, & Ganirelix)
ER 2/2/13 11R,9M,8F -- ET 2/7/13 2 Beautiful Perfect Blasts/5 made it Freeze! -- 2/12/12 +HPT -- 2/14/13 Beta #1 71 -- 2/18/2013 Beta #2 521 YAY! Let this be our take home baby!

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