Pregnant after IF

AcupunctureIVF Success

Hi ladies,

I've been lurking on this board in my 2ww 4dp5dt for positive inspiration.

Earlier this week y'all were gracious to share all of your 1st time IVF success stories with me. Now I'm curious how many of y'all received acupuncture though out your cycle and if you believe it helped? I'm always curious about the actual correlation. I did do it.

And as you can see, I am obsessing and grasping on to straws to try to mentally give myself additional reasons this cycle WILL work! Thanks again :

Happy Friday!
TTC Since 6/12 regular periods with annovulation DH S/A healthy Hormones normal-all unexplained IF currently 10/12 50mg of clomid-no response-BFN 11/12 100mg of clomid-1 mature follicle-IUI #1=BFN 12/8/12 clear HSG 12/12 100mg of clomid-2 mature follicles-IUI #2=BFN 1/13 5mg femara un-monitored TI, BFN 2/13 7.5mg femara 2 mature follicles, IUI#3 BFN
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