Pregnant after IF

Dipping my toe in...

Hello!  I have been looking through some recent posts, and I recognize some of you, but a lot of you are new.  I was a regular poster on IFV and took a bump break to "clear my mind" about a year ago.  I just recently got a BFP and have confirmed with 3 betas that were low but decent doubling.  I am cautiously optimistic and really hoping that I will be here to stay this time!  I hope you don't mind me joining back in!!  I am just 4w6d today.

:::Waves Hi to all my bump friends!!:::

ETA: This was also a surprise BFP, so if you would rather I post on a bmb, I totally understand.

me 32/DH 35
ttc since 10/2008; d/x: mild MFI, stageII endo
~~PAIF/SAIF Welcome~~

11 IUI's = 1 mc (7w4d)

IVF #1: 01/13/12 3dt of 2, 13R 12M 9ICSI'd 7F, 3IVF 0F = BFN
FET #1 April 2012 = BFN
Surprise BFP October 2012, m/c (7w) IVF #2: 2013?


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