Pregnant after IF

Progesterone levels

When your about 56 weeks what should your levels be at?

My IRL best friend is expecting after a loss and her level today was an 8. They are starting her on suppositories today but she is really worried about it being so low.

Anyone have any insight? My RE always liked to see 10 or above so I don't think 8 is too too low but I really have no idea!
Me; 28 Hubby: 29 - TTC since 5/11 - PCOS
Cycle #18-21 Clomid & Trigger & TI = BFN
Cycle #22 Gonal-F & Trigger & IUI = BFFP!! EDD 10/4/13
Beta#1 50.5, Beta#2 212, Beta#3 452
First u/s showed one perfect baby w/ hb of 133!
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